[Note - More photos removed to protect ScavenSecrets.]
The view inside the Max P ScavQuarters. Note that it is not any cleaner than Snell-Hitchcock's. This is a dirty, dirty business in every way imaginable. Just read last year's list. You'll know the item I'm talking about. Anyway... I can't identify any of the items in this picture, but I should point out that the man in the foreground in the white shirt is not a current student - he's an alum. That's one of the cool things about ScavHunt. You can keep participating for a few years after graduation if you want to (and if you lived in Snell you can pariticpate for many years).
Managing a fifteen-page long list is a big job, so the traditional answer is to divide the list up by pages and appoint a different 'page captain' for each page. The page captains are responsible for making sure everything on their pages is built, borrowed or stolen from the right place and brought to judgment on Justice Sunday. Here are the Max P Page captains:
Two students hard at work right outside the room pictured above. Behind them to the right you can see the remains of two bicycles, which should eventually become item 38: "A triple high bicycle." Someone on the Max P team needs to learn how to weld first. Good luck.
The two students in the foreground of the last picture are working on the other part of the item being constructed here. If you are taking AP exams now you might recognize the shape... Yes indeed, it is item 55: "Construct the Periodic Table in its native table form: a coffee table." This is worth 25 points, with one bonus point per element included. Since compounds including the element count, teams will not have to procure pure uranium, for example, but will be able to make do with Uranium Hexaflouride, for example. Good luck with that, scavvies. Also - good like with the noble gases, the lanthanides and the actinides.
ScavNerveCenter - just like Snell-Hitchcock's. How else will you figure out what ormitha macarounada is? (Item 193.)
What item is this? I don't know. I think she's building a chicken-wire version of The Thinker.
Finally, each ScavHQ will have a board like this. It lists the names and numbers of team captains, page captains, road trip participants, loyal and valuable team members, a shopping list, and much more. If you write something on this board you can be sure that no Scav team member will remember it is there when it is needed. Good luck.
Still to come after the weekend!
1. The Scav Olympics!
2. Judgment Sunday!
3. Possibly the Party, but possibly not.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Back to the ScavQuarters: Max Palevsky
Posted by
Libby Pearson
2:58 PM