In a few hours, I'm getting on a plane to go to an anonymous part of Florida, where the high is supposed to be 78 degrees today. Awesome. On the 26th, I fly to San Francisco, and then will spend New Year's weekend skiing in Lake Tahoe. My coworkers are all spreading around the country (and world, Libby) over the weekend.
The blog's been kind of slow lately; use the comments to tell us what you're doing for winter break.
I mean, obviously you guys are going to be filling out your reply paperwork and sending it in, so you'll be spending a lot of time thinking carefully about your choices for dorms and whatnot, but maybe there are some other things you'll be doing, too. Any fun family holiday traditions you want to share?
Friday, December 21, 2007
What are you doing for winter break?
Posted by
Jon Ryan Quinn
9:13 AM